Vishwakarma Puja

Vishwakarma Puja
Lord Vishwakarma is the chief deity of all architects and craftsmen also known as Devashilpi. This puja is performed to please Lord Vishwakarma and get his blessings for a happy and wealthy life.
Key Insights:
  • Vishwakarma Puja is done to worship all the material realms one utilizes in his/her livelihood.
  • All the instruments used in our daily life are cleaned and worshipped on this day. .
  • The three threads stand for Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva.
  • Lord Vishwakarma is also credited with the Sthapatya Veda, the science of mechanics and architecture. This Puja is done to worship all the material that a person utilizes in his/her livelihood. All the instruments used in our daily life are cleaned and worshipped on this day.
  • Vishwakarma Jayanti is generally celebrated in September or October. Puja is celebrated a day after Diwali.
Our Promise:
  • Vedic Patashala certified and experienced priests.
  • All rituals follow Vedic Standards and Procedures..
  • Guaranteed Punctuality and Authenticity.
  • High-quality Samagri to ensure a pleasant Puja experience.
  • Professional Guidance & Support.